Monday, May 26, 2008

Laws of Ma'at 11

I speak words of good intent.

I seek to avoid giving harm to others by my words. I provide constructive, not destructive, feedback. I allow the Wisdom of the Divine to speak through me, and frame things in a positive light.

In today's world, this is challenging. When someone cuts me off on the road, often my first reaction is a crude gesture or a curse, but I try instead to offer a blessing such as, "May you reach your destination safely, without causing harm to others." When doing magickal work to counteract psychic attacks, I choose to call on the powers of protection, rather than the those of revenge.

The Threefold Law is definitely in play here as well. If I speak words that deliberately cause harm, that harm will return to me. If I speak words that seek to create harmony and good intention, that too will return to me.