Sunday, February 25, 2007

For Brighid

Holy Water, Sacred Flame
Brigid, we invoke your name
Bless my head, my hands, my heart
Source of healing, song and art

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Book Review: Ishmael

Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit by Daniel Quinn. Published by Bantam Books, 1992. ISBN: 0-553-37540-7.

This book came to me by way of a house guest who left it behind. I finally decided to pick it up and read it. I am so glad I did! The story is written in the first person and, like The Celestine Prophecy, we never learn the main character's name or gender. The main character sees an ad in a paper that says: "Teacher seeks pupil. Must have an earnest desire to save the world. Apply in person." Pessimistic yet intrigued, the character shows up at the address in the ad and begins a journey toward understanding "how things came to be this way". The teacher leads the pupil through discussions of human history, Mother Culture, and a bit of theology, until the pupil learns the answer to "how things came to be this way" and is able to envision an alternative future for planet Earth.

With the current conversations around Global Warming, the destruction of the rainforests and war, this book is a great resource for finding a language that most people can relate to. It is a serious discussion of the state of the world that includes humor and a path to understanding "how things came to be this way." It is an easy and quick read. I highly recommend it!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Brighid Speaks

There is a dark place deep within you
Search, and you will know it there
Do not fear the darkness
For I am the darkness

It is in the darkness that the seed sprouts
It is in the darkness that the chick grows
It is the darkness that holds the greatest potential

There are things I can only teach you in that place of internal winter
Where all things are possible and all visions true
One of these Truths is this: the darknes gives birth to light

For I am the spark of the Universe
The fire of Truth that burns in your heart
The fire of insight and passion that burns in your belly
It is my Fire that sings in the Blood of the Poets
Those who know the darkness, embrace it,
And know that Spring always comes

My gift of Poetry is Truth
Embrace the darkness within you
Find what longs to be birthed
Sing the fire into being
And feel the words of power burn within you
I am Brighid.
I am Poetry.

c. Bansagart 2000

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ritual for Imbolc

Review the holiday of Imbolc.

Light a candle and dedicate it to Brighid using either the Gaelic words or their English translation below:

Brighid bean oirdheach
Lasrach grad
Fetaim lasrach soillse
thoir coire sinne ris a bheatha

Brighid, excellent lady,
Sudden Flame,
May the fiery bright sun
Take us to
The lasting reign.

When we respect the earth, the land itself becomes a magic cauldron, full of abundance. The Earth is the Great Mother of all life. The health of the Earth is reflected in the health of our own physical bodies as well.

Today we focus our energies on sending healing to the Earth and honoring her gifts to us: water, fire, soil, wind, food, shelter.

Send healing energy to the Earth. As you are moved, feel free to voice your thanks to the Earth for her gifts, and any wishes you have for the healing of the earth.

Honor the earth in a phsyical way. You can work with clay to create a symbol of the earth for your altar, dig in your garden, or wiggle your toes in the sand at the shore.

A Celtic Blessing:
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace ofthe flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shining stars to you
Deep peace of the gentle night to you
Moon and stars pour the healing light on you
Deep peace to you

c. Bansagart 2004