While driving down a main road yesterday, we spotted something surprising in an open field: a great blue heron slowly stalking lunch.
There were a couple of unusual things about this particular sighting: seeing a heron so far away from the water (although the field may have been a little marshy after the rain), and seeing one so close to so much traffic.
As we sat at the red light, we watched the heron take step after deliberate step, never taking his eyes off of his goal.
Great Blue Heron is a messenger of the spirit world. Some connect the heron with the ancient Egyptian benu bird, which represented the ba, or manifestation of the soul of Ra, the sun god (making it particularly fitting that we saw it only days after the Winter Solstice).
The message Heron brought to me yesterday was clear:
"Be patient while stalking your prey."
Prey in this case means anything I have set my sights on. What is my goal? What am I seeking?
Stalking is an action word. This is not about sitting and waiting, but about moving forward, slowly and deliberately.
I hope the heron caught his lunch, and I know that I too will catch my prey if I follow his example.