Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spiraling Back to Center

It has been quite a while since I've posted to this blog. The mundane world has consumed me for a while, but I am beginning my journey back to center.

The Lady of Mystery has been with me while I've walked in the shadows, and there were times that I neglected to see her there. This isn't the first time we've danced this dance; She is the mysterious one, the shadowy one, the one who waits. I dance away from the center and get distracted and lose myself, and misidentify what it is I have lost. She waits until I'm off balance and then gives me a little shove that sends me spiraling back to myself.

This year's passage from Samhain to Yule has been one of releasing for me. Releasing of that which no longer serves me, of that which is toxic to me, but has been with me for so long that I ache to part with it.

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