Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Laws of Ma'at - 2

I benefit without conflict.

There are two interpretations of this one.

I benefit without causing conflict. I do not have to step on anyone else in order to improve my circumstances. I can earn a living without causing conflict. I can build my personal power without taking it from someone else. I can have a spiritual life without criticizing anyone else's spiritual life or religious beliefs. When I do not exude the energy of conflict, it benefits others around me as well as myself.

I benefit when conflict does not exist. Without the stress created by conflict, my life is more stable, more peaceful, more healthy. I benefit when the conflict of rival gangs does not invade my neighborhood. I benefit when the conflict of rival nations does not create war. I benefit when my religious beliefs and spiritual path are not the target/source of conflict with another religion or spiritual path.

Either way, averting conflict is the most beneficial path.

Is this the same as avoiding confrontation? I don't think so. Confrontation comes from misunderstanding, and if clear communication occurs, the confrontation can be the path to understanding, and a means of averting conflict. When we avoid confrontation, we are acting out of fear, and we lose our personal power. We can speak the truth to power without creating or participating in conflict.

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