Saturday, October 14, 2006

Magdalen Hallowmas

Greetins lovers of the Magdalen, her Mysteries and Rites:

Please join us on November 5 at 5PM for the Magdalen Hollowmas
Where: Wylder Hall of UUCLB
Bring: Hearts, hands, and light pre-dinner foods
Who is Waiting? The Ancient One, Shamana
"She Waits" the powerful meditation text of Rosamonde Miller
with the body artistry of Anniitra Ravenmoon and the sound artistry
of Miranda Rondeau.
"She Waits" illumined by the Full Moon of Samhain-tide
reaching to the dark and the depths..."She Waits" in the cave of Deep
Time, in the deepest recesses of soul and World Soul
She waits for our hearts, our extension of love, our vision.
She waits for us.
Questions and RSVP to Catherine at or
call 323.982.9662.
Please pass the word to circles and lists and tribes. She waits for
all of us; men are welcome.
Blessing and Blessed Be!!

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