Friday, February 02, 2007

Brighid Speaks

There is a dark place deep within you
Search, and you will know it there
Do not fear the darkness
For I am the darkness

It is in the darkness that the seed sprouts
It is in the darkness that the chick grows
It is the darkness that holds the greatest potential

There are things I can only teach you in that place of internal winter
Where all things are possible and all visions true
One of these Truths is this: the darknes gives birth to light

For I am the spark of the Universe
The fire of Truth that burns in your heart
The fire of insight and passion that burns in your belly
It is my Fire that sings in the Blood of the Poets
Those who know the darkness, embrace it,
And know that Spring always comes

My gift of Poetry is Truth
Embrace the darkness within you
Find what longs to be birthed
Sing the fire into being
And feel the words of power burn within you
I am Brighid.
I am Poetry.

c. Bansagart 2000

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