Friday, February 22, 2008
Laws of Ma'at - 10
This is where we struggle between "need" and "want". How much do I truly need? and how much of it is want/desire? That doesn't mean that I have to deny my desires, but it does mean that I have to consider them, rather than sating them impulsively.
Our resources are stretched thin. People around the world die of starvation every day while others throw away perfectly good food by the pound. Things we purchase are overly-packaged in non-biodegradable styrofoam and plastic. In some countries, you have to purchase water from the river that runs through your village even though until 5 years ago it was held in common. In other countries, we buy bottled water by the gallon every day because tap water "doesn't taste right".
Our resources don't have to be stretched so thin. They just need to be shared more fairly.
I recycle everything I can: plastic, paper, cardboard, glass. I gratefully accept hand-me-downs that are in good condition, even though they may not be this year's - or even last year's - fashion. I try to eat my leftover food before it goes bad, so that I am not wasting the resources or the money to replace it. I have cut down significantly on gasoline usage by living closer to work, not driving through city traffic, and taking public transportation when I can. I do what I can to live more "green", with the goal of decreasing my carbon footprint. I do what I can to donate resources to those who are in need.
I ask myself, "what exactly is my share?" and try to live accordingly.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Brigit's Blessing
About her neat, about her kine,
About her horses, about her goats,
About her sheep, about her lambs;
Each day and night,
In heat and cold,
Each early and late,
In darkness and light;
To keep them from marsh,
To keep them from rock,
To keep them from pit,
To keep them from bank;
To keep them from eye,
To keep them from omen,
To keep them from spell,
South and north;
To keep them from venom,
East and west,
To keep them from envy
And from viles of the wicked;
To keep them from hound
And from each other's horns,
From the birds of the high moors
And from the beasts of the hills;
To keep them from wolf,
From ravaging dog,
To keep them from fox,
From "Luath" of the Fiann.
-- traditional Highland blessing, Carmina Gaedelica, Charm for Stock #368
Saturday, February 02, 2008
A Magdalene Candelmas
Imbolc greetings to all who have shared and seek to share the mysteries of the Magdalene!
This is an invitation to join me and assisting prestesses for a celebration of the Ninth Day of Imbolc (hence "Nonae") or as I have previously termed: "A Magdalene Candelmas", next Sunday, February 10, 2008 at the UU Church of Long Beach. Bring the inner sparks of new beginnings that you begin at this weekend's celebrations of the Maiden, of Brigid, of Candlemas, of the Maiden Sun to the cauldron of transformation that is the Magdalene's Gnostic Rite, next Sunday at 5:30PM
This celebration will also enfold remembrances of Crone suns passings last year and beyond. Many of our community have seen their Mothers go beyond the horizon, "away from the world and unto Goddess" at this time of year. I also have insisted upon this date in order to celebrate the birthday 100 years ago of my mother, Florence Catherine. Since the notice is short, I hope for RSVP at this address, or or call me at 323 982 9662. The Church calendar says 6P, but I plan to start at 5: 30 in order to leave most of Sunday evening free for your usual pursuits and relaxation. In keeping with our theme begun at Hallows, the Nonae bears the title: "She Wakes"!!
Snack foods and greens for the altar welcome! Men welcome!!
SHE WAKES: A Magdalene celebration of Imbolc, Bride, Candlemas
Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 5:30 PM Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach 5450 Atherton Ave, Long Beach.
Bright Blessings of Bride,