Tuesday, August 07, 2007

20th Anniversary of Long Beach WomanSpirit


We're celebrating our 20th Anniversary! ! Celebrate with us as we honor our roots and envision the future. Be part of our future, together in the Goddess. Our day will feature afternoon workshops, a lite supper, opportunities to walk a Labyrinth path, spend time in the meditation tent, tie a wish on our "Wish Tree", and help create a Retrospective Art Offering that will be part of the altar in our evening ritual. We will also have "BunniHotep" storytelling time. This event is open to all.

Saturday, August 25 2007 1pm to 7pm
Unitarian Universalist Church
5450 Atherton, Long Beach
$15-$20 donation requested

Please preregister; email bansagart@gmail.com for a registration form.


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